
According to Greek mythology, Stafylos (whose name is the root for the Greek word for grape) was the son of Dionysus and Ariadne.
Known as the “longevity fruit”, grapes are sorted primarily according to their intended use into either: for fresh consumption (tabletop grapes) or for the production of wine. Tabletop grapes are found in abundance from June to October. As far as the varieties one can encounter, there many, one for every taste one might say: with or without seeds, red or white, crunchy or soft…
With an existence that might predate history, it is unknown exactly when the first grapes were cultivated, but we do know from archeological findings that organized grape cultivation began sometime around 5,000 BC in Mesopotamia. That is where the species we today know as grape, “Vitis vinifera”, was “born”, while it is speculated that it was first introduced in Greece around 1,700 BC.
Production Process
The produce harvesting is carried out by experienced personnel, members of our staff because we feel that the harvest is a key factor in the entire process, just as important as he growing process, in ensuring the final quality of the product. Harvesting always takes place after the grade sugars (brix) have been measured and accepted by our specialists and of course after the various interventions taken to ensure the plants viability have been checked out by the health inspectors. The harvest is carried out with special tools all of which are sanitized before each use. The produce is packaged in plastic containers and transported by our privately owned fleet of container trucks. Our work force consists of trained packaging people who work under the constant supervision of the production manager and the quality controller. As with all our products the grapes are packaged according to the specific requirements of each client.
According to Greek mythology, Stafylos (whose name is the root for the Greek word for grape) was the son of Dionysus and Ariadne.
Known as the “longevity fruit”, grapes are sorted primarily according to their intended use into either: for fresh consumption (tabletop grapes) or for the production of wine. Tabletop grapes are found in abundance from June to October. As far as the varieties one can encounter, there many, one for every taste one might say: with or without seeds, red or white, crunchy or soft…
With an existence that might predate history, it is unknown exactly when the first grapes were cultivated, but we do know from archeological findings that organized grape cultivation began sometime around 5,000 BC in Mesopotamia. That is where the species we today know as grape, “Vitis vinifera”, was “born”, while it is speculated that it was first introduced in Greece around 1,700 BC.
- SUPERIOR – White, seedless variety that matures in early August.
- THOMPSON – White, seedless variety that matures in mid-August.
- RALLI – Red, seedless variety, very productive that matures very early in the year.
- ATTICA – Black, seedless variety that matures in early August.
- CRIMSON – Red, seedless variety, producing generally large grapes with distinctive coloring and flavor. A very “lively” & productive variety, with a commercial ripening process that escalates in time, depending on the area and the farming operations, ranging from early September to late October.
- VICTORIA – Yellow-green colored variety, producing large grapes, conical in shape with medium density and thick durable skin. A very productive and early-to-mature variety. Industrial maturation lasts from late July to mid August.
- CARDINAL – Red-violet colored variety, producing large grapes, conical in shape with crisp and resilient flesh. Refreshing and pleasant muscat flavor. A very productive and early-to-mature variety. Depending on the area, matures in the first ten days of July.
- FRAOULA – This variety produces elongated grapes of cylindrical shape. A very productive but late-to-mature variety. Available from late September to December.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Exportable |
Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Exportable |





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